Meet Mrs. Sandy Watson

We asked our teachers & staff a few questions so that you can get to know them better!

What is your role at St. Stephen the Martyr Catholic School?
6th Grade Social Studies & 8th Grade Religion Teacher

What year did you start working at St. Stephen?

Tell us about your educational background & about your teaching/work experience.
Education: Bachelor of Science in Education, UNO

Work History: I’ve taught for OPS, substituted in Virginia and California, and taught English in Japan. I taught Religion and Social Studies at St. Columbkille School in Papillion to 6-8th graders for many years. I substituted and worked as a TA at St. Stephen the Martyr School after retiring from full-time teaching. I am very excited to teach part-time for the fourth year at SSM my two favorite subjects: Religion and Social Studies!

What do you love about your job?
I just love the relationships with the students and their families and the staff; I have amazing students and they are simply a joy! I love sharing, teaching, listening and learning about our Catholic faith. I get to share about Jesus every school day–what could be better?

Who is your favorite Saint or what is your favorite scripture?
My favorite Saint is our Blessed Mother Mary. She is an inspiration and a guide for me as a mother, grandmother, teacher and disciple of Christ.

My favorite Scripture passages are: “…God is love” (1 John 4:8) and “I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me.” (Philippians 4:13)

Tell us about your family (spouse, children, grandchildren, pets, etc.):
I am blessed to have 4 wonderful children: Bryan, Molly, Kevin and Jon.

My daughter Molly lives in Omaha with her husband and two sons, Clarke (11) and James (6); I am thrilled beyond words to have my precious grandsons in Omaha!! My daughter is a special education teacher for a Papillion-LaVista School.

My son Bryan lives in Seattle and my son Kevin lives in London, England; they are both in education. I wish they lived closer but what great places to visit! Fortunately, they both visit Omaha quite often.

My youngest son, Jon, lives in Virginia with his wife and two daughters, Kinsey (11) and Hazel Grace (8). Jon works for the government and is in the US Army Reserves.

Last Christmas, we all got together and shared a joyful reunion after a time of not being altogether! My 4 children and 4 grandchildren are such joys in my life and seeing them is always delightful!

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A teacher or a nurse.

What is your favorite sweet treat?
I really like chocolate as a sweet treat.

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies?
I love to read and work in my garden. I also love to swim. Traveling is also one of my passions.

What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
I like to spend time with friends and family–especially my grandkids, volunteer, go to Mass and just relax on the weekends.

What piece of advice would you give parents to help their child(ren) succeed at St. Stephen?
Pray with and for your children. After school, engage in a conversation about their day.