As a continuation of our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) implementation in the school, we are focusing on four areas for behavior expectations throughout our building, in Mass, and at recess. Students can remember these four expectations using the acronym, PRAY and likely have seen the above poster in their classrooms. Below is more information about PBIS and our behavior expectations.
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
PBIS is a multi-tiered framework for establishing social culture and behavioral supports. The goal of implementing PBIS at St. Stephen the Martyr Catholic School is to achieve behavioral and academic outcomes for all students.
The way students are treated, and the way students treat others, is just as important in a Catholic school as the formal, written curriculum. It is important that all stakeholders in our school community are committed to engaging in positive ways to reinforce desired behaviors for our students and our community as a whole. The PBIS approach is proactive, not reactive, meaning the focus is on the present and the future. In other words, learning is paramount while utilizing PBIS because we place the emphasis on what can be done to improve, rather than what was done that cannot be changed. This aligns with our mission to form students in the Catholic faith, which teaches the importance of forgiveness and growth.
As a school, we will implement school-wide expectations in different areas of the school. These include the classroom, hallway, restroom, cafeteria, mass, and recess. Our school had decided to focus on the following four areas when it comes to the behavior expectations we have for our students, and we are utilizing the acronym, PRAY:
P – Practice Safety
R – Respect God, Self, and Others
A – Act with Kindness
Y – Yes, to Responsibility