Become A Catechist for CGS Program

Did you know…
The entire Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program is run completely by volunteers. We need your help to be able to continue to offer this lovely program!

Ways you can help:

  • Become a catechist by going through formation. See info below and watch video.
  • Become a weekly or every other week assistant. No experience needed. If you can read and walk kids to the bathroom you can do it!
  • Invite other adults (grandparents, friends, parishioners to help or become catechists)

About CGS:
Within a prepared environment (the atrium) children and catechists together nurture their relationship with Jesus. Embracing Maria Montessori’s vision of the developmental stages of the child, the CGS catechist learns how to proclaim these themes in a way that nurtures the love relationship between God and the child, and allows this relationship to flourish. Presentations based on the Bible and Catholic Liturgy enables those present to encounter the living God.

If you want to learn more about CGS, watch this video from last year or contact Brooke Keller at