
St. Stephen the Martyr School is united in Christ to ignite the joy of faith, community, and learning.

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Annual Calendar

2024-2025 Calendar (Rev. March 2025)
(Subject to Change)

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Martyr Messenger

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Announcements & more
Our honorees for the Boden Reischl Artist of the Month have been selected! You may......
Within a prepared environment (the atrium) children and catechists together nurture their relationship with Jesus.......
As part of our continued PBIS integration and promoting positive reinforcement and recognition we are going to......
Level up your reading game with our Spring Book Fair, new from Literati! Literati is......
It is both a blessing and a privilege to accompany the students, families and staff......
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Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
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